The UK-based Wildlife Trusts is truly an organization to check out, if you live in the UK or not. We love their wildlife-focused approach and fun campaigns. One of which is "30 Days Wild," a challenge to do something wild every day, or 30 simple, fun and exciting "Random Acts of Wildness." This June, thousands of people will take part in the annual nature challenge. That’s 30 simple, fun and exciting Random Acts of Wildness.
To help you out with ideas, Wildlife Trusts will email you a link to download a free pack of goodies to plan your wild month including a booklet full of ideas to stay wild all throughout June (and beyond!), a poster, a printable calendar (which we just love) and emails from Wildlife Trust as well as invites to exclusive events and a chance to join in on social media using hashtag #30dayswild. For extra ‘bonus’ items, keep an eye on your emails for additional, fun activities, from instructions for baking hedgehog cupcakes to a beginner’s guide to wildlife photography.
UK-based or not, these are excellent tools to start off the summer with a truly nature-based boom!
Go wild in June here!