A Child & Nature Reunion
nature art

Nature art and nature crafts are great ways to get your kids outdoors, observing nature, tuning into the outside world and thinking creatively. It's also a great way to engage kids who are more interested in art and crafts at any age level.

But not all of us feel creative enough to come up with gorgeous Instagrammable nature art and craft projects that will delight our kids— and look awesome on our feed. Luckily, you don't need to! You can borrow the inspiring ideas of Instagrammers like the ones we have included in our round-up below! From nut creatures to dragonfly seed pods or leaf masks, these ideas are simple, require very little except items found in nature and are super fun. Try them out and share your creations with us on Instagram and the Instagrammers mentioned below!

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Petite mignonnerie du jour. Une actvité très simple à réaliser si vous ne savez pas quoi faire ce week end. Ici les enfants s'inventent des histoires avec leurs nouvelles souricettes. B. a souhaité qu'on en monte une en collier. Cela peut aussi faire une chouette décoration à suspendre dans l'arbre de Noël ou une couronne des saisons. Vous aurez besoin d'une noix, d'une noisette, d'un petit carré de tissu, un bout de laine pour la queue, un morceau de feutrine pour les oreilles, un peu de coton ou de laine pour le rembourrage sous la couverture et un marqueur pour dessiner le visage. Ici nous avons fixé l'ensemble avec un pistolet à colle. J'attends vos photos de souricettes et souriceaux 🐀🐀

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Have you found any conkers and acorns yet? 🌿. . Making little people and animals with them is a fun thing to do. You’ll just need: Conkers, acorns and little twigs. Skewer or screwdriver. Matchsticks or toothpicks. . Collect some conkers, acorns and little twigs, (acorn caps are nice for making little hats with and knobbly twigs are great for elbows and knees!). You’ll then need to make holes in your conkers and acorns using a skewer or screw driver, you can then break your twigs up and attach an acorn to a conker by using a twig or a broken matchstick or toothpick and putting it through the hole in the conker and putting the other end through a hole in the acorn. You could make shoes for your people by cutting the acorns in half and have the flat side on the ground and make a hole in the curved top part, where you will attach the legs. You could draw little eyes on your figures with a black felt tip pen. Do check out @dubanci for more inspiration! #conkerpeople #autumncrafts #mudandbloom

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The kids and I had way too much fun making our pebble family portrait! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 . We spent an half an hour making designs out of pebbles until my son realized we could make ‘people’ and started laughing and designing this! I wasn’t able to save it but I’m happy I have a picture to always remember it. . To start this activity, I sat down with my three and five-year-old with a pile of pebbles (ones we collected on a recent nature walk) and other mini nature parts. We set out white pieces of paper in front of us and I asked them what they could create with the pieces. I joined them in making creations. With my children, if I sit and join them in activities and engage in conversation, they are more likely to take interest in the activity and make conversation themselves. 🍃 . . #exploringnaturewithkids #natureplay #natureactivities #charlottemason . . . . 🍃

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We are taking a little nature break today and have some surprisingly simple to make autumn fairy crowns perfect for #harvest_simple_play . We stripped a handfull of weeping willow branches and just wound them together into a circle. They were very sturdy. Then we went about collecting various things to weave through the rods. The great part was that afterwards we took out the extra decorations and we still have these fantastic crown wreaths that we can reuse later. I hope they dry well, I suppose we shall see! What else do you think we could do with these? Any ideas? . . . #harvesttime #kidscrafts #artprojectideas #kindergartenartwork #homeschool #treasurehunt #floweractivities #flowercrowns #willowtree #easykidcraft #easycrqftideas #autumncraftideas #autumncrafts #autumnweddinginspiration #natureart #natureartforkids #momswithcameras #letthembewild #unschooling #homeschoolideas #momstagram #momsfollowmoms #littlebutfierce #kidsinnature #startwalkinginseptember #the12weeksofautumn #playwithpurpose #autumnplay2019

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Earlier this week we set out to make insect cards for family members with fall birthdays. However, we used dried, natural materials, and many pieces were so delicate the craft turned into more of a team effort than I had hoped for. If you have a young child, @wovenchildhood’s insects made from strong paper and fresher materials would be best! 🍂 Nevertheless, my daughter loved designing her bugs, using glue, and was proud to show Daddy! She especially enjoyed making a collage all by herself at the end. 🍂 That night I wanted to make a card too...I asked my husband to look up what a “real” bee hive looked like. Then we watched fascinating 🐝 YouTube videos for too long. Here’s my accurately depicted, wild hive!

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🌿 Fridays are for Fairy House building! 🌿 .. Today we scoured our baskets and backyard for loose nature parts; we picked out bark, moss, lichen, dried flowers, sticks, pinecones and other beautiful finds. So many options, so many ideas! I can't stop at one! 🌿 Columbus Day Weekend were participating and volunteering at the @fairyhousefestival at Veasey Park. We're so excited to walk along the nature trails looking at over 100 fairy and gnome houses, their artisan marketplace, crafts and entertainment! 🌿 My daughter loves collecting patches, do your children? I found this Fairy House Build one on www.makingfriends.com I suggested to the committee we offer them to the children builders, and they adored the idea, so each builder will get one for entering. How cool is that? 🌿 So you can see my excitement, so how many fairy houses do you think I'll make to add to the festival?!? 😂

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